Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Terrific Thai Cooking School

What a fulfilling day we had today.
The song-hay picked us up at the hotel at 8:15 and then picked up a few more students. We were 9 in all. We went to a market in Chiang Mai to pick up a few items - check out that meat counter!
We were taken to the train station and rode 20 minutes out into the countryside after which we picked up bicycles to ride out to the organic farm where the classes are held. On the way we stopped at a local temple. Even out in the country there are beautiful Wats.
When we got to the farm, we chose our menus. Each person could choose from
4 choices for each of seven courses. When it came time to cook she grouped us by common dishes for each course.
We went to the gardens and picked our own fresh herbs. She explained everything in detail for us.
Our instructor was amazing. Everyone received excellent instruction and supervision so every course came out spectacular. When we cooked, she was in the center of the stoves to supervise. We did every thing including making our own curry pastes from herbs using a mortar and pestle. It was so much fun! We cooked two courses at a time, ate those, then cooked some more so the cooking took all day. The Thai food was better than we have ever eaten.
We had to book it back to the train to meet it by 3:30 then back to our hotel.
Jen, yes, we not only had Khao Soi Curry but I made it!!!
Think we may skip dinner.


  1. Looks excellent - especially that soup-looking thing. Do they use tofu often?
