Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sumatra- the Jungle Inn!

Thank you Jen Jim for the recommendation to stay at The Jungle Inn at Bukit Lawang!!! By the way- We managed the 20 minute walk to the inn suitcases and all just fine!!
This place is incredible. We cannot control the order of our pictures so just scroll through to see the entry to our top floor honeymoon suite and then the really unique inside of our suite. The view from our room and the waterfall and jungle view are gorgeous. At $50 a night- eat your heart out Americans!
The food was delicious. I ordered the herbal tea and it had more roots and seeds than a Maine garden and it was yummy. Our last morning we ordered the fruit salad. See that beautiful
"flower" arrangement? Well, it included. Passion fruit, bananas, watermelon, mango, pineapple, and oranges. We watched the young lady pick
The banana leaves and flowers from
The grounds of the inn.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Surreal to see you there and in the same room ! DO NOT let the monkeys in your room!
    Great blog. Love. Jim.
