Thursday, January 19, 2012

Westerners worry about monkeys and fish and electrical workers

During our two days here in Kanchanuburi we became aware that us Westerners worry too much. The fact that the feet nibbling fish you swim with at the waterfalls are huge and the aggressive monkeys jumped on the face of a French tourist are nothing to be concerned about. Here is a picture of Gary just putting his feet in with the fish and just before he discovered he had "ants in his pants". By. The way, they were red. He actually can dance quite well!
When the power company workers place a handmade bamboo ladder against the wires to work on them- it's. Ok because someone is holding the ladder so it won't fall onto the busy street filled with a crowd of vendors and tourists!
All during the first half of our day long tour. All said and done Erawan park was a beautiful national park and we had a wonderful hike to 8 different waterfalls.

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